Identify contact residues on MHC Class I molecules
In this notebook, we aim to determine the IMGT positions of MHC molecules that make contact with the CDR loops of a contacting TCR. These contacts are then plotted based on the identity of the TCR loop to create a finger print of the TCRs on MHC molecules. We also look at the contacts made by TCRs on the presented peptide.
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from python_pdb.parsers import parse_pdb_to_pandas
from tcr_pmhc_interface_analysis.imgt_numbering import assign_cdr_number
Loading TCR:pMHC-I Structures
STCRDAB_PATH = '../data/raw/stcrdab'
stcrdab_summary = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(STCRDAB_PATH, 'db_summary.dat'), delimiter='\t')
selected_stcrdab = stcrdab_summary.copy()
# Resolution better than 3.50 Å
selected_stcrdab['resolution'] = pd.to_numeric(selected_stcrdab['resolution'], errors='coerce')
selected_stcrdab = selected_stcrdab.query("resolution <= 3.50")
# alpha-beta TCRs
selected_stcrdab = selected_stcrdab.query("TCRtype == 'abTCR'")
# MHC class I
selected_stcrdab = selected_stcrdab.query("mhc_type == 'MH1'")
# peptide antigen
selected_stcrdab = selected_stcrdab.query("antigen_type == 'peptide'")
# General clean: drop columns that don't contain anything useful
selected_stcrdab = selected_stcrdab.loc[:, selected_stcrdab.nunique() > 1]
selected_stcrdab = selected_stcrdab.dropna(axis=1, how='all')
# Reset Index
selected_stcrdab = selected_stcrdab.reset_index(drop=True)
pdb | Bchain | Achain | antigen_chain | antigen_name | mhc_chain1 | mhc_chain2 | docking_angle | beta_subgroup | alpha_subgroup | ... | alpha_organism | antigen_organism | mhc_chain1_organism | mhc_chain2_organism | authors | resolution | method | r_free | r_factor | engineered | |
0 | 8gom | E | D | C | spike protein s2 | A | B | 39.649 | NaN | NaN | ... | homo sapiens | severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2 | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | Wu, D., Mariuzza, R.A. | 2.783 | X-RAY DIFFRACTION | 0.248 | 0.195 | True |
1 | 8gon | E | D | C | spike protein s2 | A | B | 38.984 | NaN | NaN | ... | homo sapiens | severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2 | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | Wu, D., Mariuzza, R.A. | 2.601 | X-RAY DIFFRACTION | 0.253 | 0.198 | True |
2 | 7q99 | E | D | C | asn-leu-ser-ala-leu-gly-ile-phe-ser-thr | A | B | 46.371 | TRBV30 | TRAV12 | ... | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | Rizkallah, P.J., Sewell, A.K., Wall, A., Fulle... | 2.550 | X-RAY DIFFRACTION | 0.272 | 0.218 | True |
3 | 7q9a | E | D | C | leu-leu-leu-gly-ile-gly-ile-leu-val-leu | A | B | 48.391 | TRBV30 | TRAV12 | ... | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | Rizkallah, P.J., Sewell, A.K., Wall, A., Fulle... | 2.100 | X-RAY DIFFRACTION | 0.243 | 0.205 | True |
4 | 2ak4 | E | D | C | ebv peptide lpeplpqgqltay | A | B | 71.108 | TRBV6 | TRAV19 | ... | homo sapiens | NaN | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | Tynan, F.E., Burrows, S.R., Buckle, A.M., Clem... | 2.500 | X-RAY DIFFRACTION | 0.278 | 0.246 | True |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
297 | 6q3s | E | D | C | ser-leu-leu-met-trp-ile-thr-gln-val | A | B | 67.059 | TRBV6 | TRAV21 | ... | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | Meijers, R., Anjanappa, R., Springer, S., Garc... | 2.500 | X-RAY DIFFRACTION | 0.273 | 0.229 | True |
298 | 5men | E | D | C | ile-leu-ala-lys-phe-leu-his-trp-leu | A | B | 40.823 | TRBV6 | TRAV22 | ... | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | Rizkallah, P.J., Lloyd, A., Crowther, M., Cole... | 2.810 | X-RAY DIFFRACTION | 0.272 | 0.189 | True |
299 | 1ao7 | E | D | C | tax peptide | A | B | 34.827 | TRBV6 | TRAV12 | ... | homo sapiens | human t-lymphotropic virus 1 | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | Garboczi, D.N., Ghosh, P., Utz, U., Fan, Q.R.,... | 2.600 | X-RAY DIFFRACTION | 0.320 | 0.245 | True |
300 | 4jff | E | D | C | melanoma motif | A | B | 42.977 | TRBV30 | TRAV12 | ... | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | Rizkallah, P.J., Cole, D.K., Madura, F., Sewel... | 2.430 | X-RAY DIFFRACTION | 0.263 | 0.210 | True |
301 | 3dxa | O | N | M | ebv decapeptide epitope | K | L | 58.225 | TRBV7 | TRAV26 | ... | homo sapiens | NaN | homo sapiens | homo sapiens | Archbold, J.K., Macdonald, W.A., Gras, S., Ros... | 3.500 | X-RAY DIFFRACTION | 0.330 | 0.286 | True |
302 rows × 24 columns
Determine contacting residues
contacts = []
for _, row in selected_stcrdab.iterrows():
path = os.path.join(STCRDAB_PATH, 'imgt', f'{row.pdb}.pdb')
with open(path, 'r') as fh:
df = parse_pdb_to_pandas(
chain_annotations = {}
chain_annotations[row.Achain] = 'alpha_chain'
chain_annotations[row.Bchain] = 'beta_chain'
chain_annotations[row.antigen_chain] = 'antigen_chain'
chain_annotations[row.mhc_chain1] = 'mhc_chain'
df['chain_type'] = df['chain_id'].map(lambda id_: chain_annotations[id_] if id_ in chain_annotations else None)
df['cdr'] = df['residue_seq_id'].map(assign_cdr_number)
mhc_df = df.query("chain_type == 'mhc_chain' and residue_seq_id < 1090")
peptide_df = df.query("chain_type == 'antigen_chain'").copy()
tcr_cdrs_df = df.query("(chain_type == 'alpha_chain' or chain_type == 'beta_chain') and cdr.notnull()")
peptide_df_per_res = peptide_df.groupby(['residue_seq_id', 'residue_insert_code', 'residue_name'], dropna=False)
group_mapping = {group: idx for idx, group in enumerate(peptide_df_per_res.groups.keys(), 1)}
peptide_df['peptide_length'] = max(group_mapping.values())
peptide_df['peptide_position'] = peptide_df[['residue_seq_id',
'residue_name']].apply(tuple, axis='columns').map(group_mapping)
tcr_mhc_interface = tcr_cdrs_df.merge(mhc_df, how='cross', suffixes=('_tcr', '_mhc'))
tcr_mhc_interface['distance'] = np.sqrt(np.square(tcr_mhc_interface['pos_x_tcr']
- tcr_mhc_interface['pos_x_mhc'])
+ np.square(tcr_mhc_interface['pos_y_tcr']
- tcr_mhc_interface['pos_y_mhc'])
+ np.square(tcr_mhc_interface['pos_z_tcr']
- tcr_mhc_interface['pos_z_mhc']))
tcr_peptide_interface = tcr_cdrs_df.merge(peptide_df, how='cross', suffixes=('_tcr', '_peptide'))
tcr_peptide_interface['distance'] = np.sqrt(np.square(tcr_peptide_interface['pos_x_tcr']
- tcr_peptide_interface['pos_x_peptide'])
+ np.square(tcr_peptide_interface['pos_y_tcr']
- tcr_peptide_interface['pos_y_peptide'])
+ np.square(tcr_peptide_interface['pos_z_tcr']
- tcr_peptide_interface['pos_z_peptide']))
contacts_tcr_mhc = tcr_mhc_interface.query('distance < @CUTOFF_DISTANCE').copy()
contacts_tcr_mhc['path'] = path
contacts_tcr_mhc['interface_type'] = 'tcr_mhc'
contacts_tcr_peptide = tcr_peptide_interface.query('distance < @CUTOFF_DISTANCE').copy()
contacts_tcr_peptide['path'] = path
contacts_tcr_peptide['interface_type'] = 'tcr_peptide'
contacts = pd.concat(contacts)
record_type_tcr | atom_number_tcr | atom_name_tcr | alt_loc_tcr | residue_name_tcr | chain_id_tcr | residue_seq_id_tcr | residue_insert_code_tcr | pos_x_tcr | pos_y_tcr | ... | pos_y_peptide | pos_z_peptide | occupancy_peptide | b_factor_peptide | element_peptide | charge_peptide | chain_type_peptide | cdr_peptide | peptide_length | peptide_position | |
69473 | ATOM | 472 | C | None | ASN | E | 57 | None | 12.312 | -60.161 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
69474 | ATOM | 472 | C | None | ASN | E | 57 | None | 12.312 | -60.161 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
70937 | ATOM | 473 | O | None | ASN | E | 57 | None | 11.507 | -60.966 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
70938 | ATOM | 473 | O | None | ASN | E | 57 | None | 11.507 | -60.966 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
70939 | ATOM | 473 | O | None | ASN | E | 57 | None | 11.507 | -60.966 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
31515 | ATOM | 10078 | CD2 | None | TYR | N | 113 | None | -51.375 | 74.966 | ... | 73.846 | -3.678 | 1.0 | 63.86 | O | None | antigen_chain | NaN | 10.0 | 4.0 |
31516 | ATOM | 10078 | CD2 | None | TYR | N | 113 | None | -51.375 | 74.966 | ... | 75.095 | -6.148 | 1.0 | 63.91 | C | None | antigen_chain | NaN | 10.0 | 4.0 |
31517 | ATOM | 10078 | CD2 | None | TYR | N | 113 | None | -51.375 | 74.966 | ... | 76.511 | -6.671 | 1.0 | 63.85 | C | None | antigen_chain | NaN | 10.0 | 4.0 |
31697 | ATOM | 10080 | CE2 | None | TYR | N | 113 | None | -52.313 | 73.948 | ... | 73.846 | -3.678 | 1.0 | 63.86 | O | None | antigen_chain | NaN | 10.0 | 4.0 |
31698 | ATOM | 10080 | CE2 | None | TYR | N | 113 | None | -52.313 | 73.948 | ... | 75.095 | -6.148 | 1.0 | 63.91 | C | None | antigen_chain | NaN | 10.0 | 4.0 |
156312 rows × 56 columns
contacts['pdb_id'] = contacts['path'].map(lambda path: path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0])
def create_resi(seq_id: float, insert_code: str | float) -> str | None:
if pd.isnull(seq_id):
return None
return str(int(seq_id)) + (insert_code if not pd.isnull(insert_code) else '')
contacts['resi_mhc'] = contacts.apply(lambda row: create_resi(row.residue_seq_id_mhc, row.residue_insert_code_mhc),
contacts['resi_tcr'] = contacts.apply(lambda row: create_resi(row.residue_seq_id_tcr, row.residue_insert_code_tcr),
'peptide_position'] = contacts.loc[contacts['peptide_position'].notnull(),
contacts['cdr_name'] = contacts.apply(
lambda row: f"CDR-{'A' if row.chain_type_tcr == 'alpha_chain' else 'B'}{int(row.cdr_tcr)}",
contacts['cdr_name'] = pd.Categorical(contacts['cdr_name'],
['CDR-A1', 'CDR-A2', 'CDR-A3', 'CDR-B1', 'CDR-B2', 'CDR-B3'])
Visualising contact maps
palette = sns.color_palette(['#' + colour.lower()
for colour in ['DC91BE','C0C0C2', '6490C7', '963E87','2D2E62','56BBD3']], 6)
TCR Contacts on MHC Molecules
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
ax = sns.histplot(contacts.query("interface_type == 'tcr_mhc'").sort_values('residue_seq_id_mhc'),
ax.legend_.set_title(title='CDR Type')
ax.set_xlabel('IMGT Residue Number')
ax.set_ylabel('Percent of total MHC contacts per residue')
mhc_labels = contacts[
['residue_seq_id_mhc', 'residue_insert_code_mhc', 'resi_mhc']
].fillna('').sort_values(['residue_seq_id_mhc', 'residue_insert_code_mhc'])['resi_mhc'].unique().tolist()
tcr_labels = contacts[
['residue_seq_id_tcr', 'residue_insert_code_tcr', 'resi_tcr']
].fillna('').sort_values(['residue_seq_id_tcr', 'residue_insert_code_tcr'])['resi_tcr'].unique().tolist()
contacts['resi_mhc'] = pd.Categorical(contacts['resi_mhc'], mhc_labels)
contacts['resi_tcr'] = pd.Categorical(contacts['resi_tcr'], tcr_labels)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
ax = sns.histplot(contacts.query("interface_type == 'tcr_mhc'"),
x='resi_mhc', y='resi_tcr',
palette=sns.color_palette(palette, 6))
ax.legend_.set_title(title='CDR Type')
ax.set_xlabel('MHC IMGT Residue Number')
ax.set_ylabel('TCR IMGT Residue Number')
TCR Contacts on Peptides
ax = sns.histplot(contacts.query("interface_type == 'tcr_peptide'").sort_values('residue_seq_id_peptide'),
palette=sns.color_palette(palette, 6))
ax.set_title('TCR Contacts on the Peptide')
ax.set_xlabel('Peptide Position')
ax.set_ylabel('Percent of total peptide contacts per residue')
ax.legend_.set_title(title='CDR Type')
sns.histplot(contacts.query("interface_type == 'tcr_peptide'").drop_duplicates('path'), x='peptide_length')
<AxesSubplot: xlabel='peptide_length', ylabel='Count'>
The mode of peptide lengths in 9-mers!
ax = sns.histplot(contacts.query("interface_type == 'tcr_peptide' and peptide_length == 9.0").sort_values('residue_seq_id_peptide'),
palette=sns.color_palette(palette, 6))
ax.set_title('TCR Contacts on the nonamer-peptides')
ax.set_xlabel('Peptide Position')
ax.set_ylabel('Percent of total peptide contacts per residue')
ax.legend_.set_title(title='CDR Type')
For the nonamers, which is the dominant contacting loop at each peptide position?
def select_dominant(group: pd.DataFrame) -> str:
return group.sort_values('count', ascending=False).iloc[0]['cdr_name']
nonanmer_peptide_tcr_contact_counts = (contacts.query("interface_type == 'tcr_peptide' and peptide_length == 9.0")
.value_counts(['peptide_position', 'cdr_name'])) = 'count'
nonanmer_peptide_tcr_contact_counts = nonanmer_peptide_tcr_contact_counts.reset_index()
1 CDR-A3
2 CDR-A3
3 CDR-A3
4 CDR-A3
5 CDR-A3
6 CDR-B3
7 CDR-B3
8 CDR-B3
9 CDR-B3
dtype: object
Do the non-nonamers have the same trend?
ax = sns.histplot(contacts.query("interface_type == 'tcr_peptide' and peptide_length != 9.0").sort_values('residue_seq_id_peptide'),
palette=sns.color_palette(palette, 6))
ax.set_title('TCR Contacts on the non-nonamer-peptides')
ax.set_xlabel('Peptide Position')
ax.set_ylabel('Percent of total peptide contacts per residue')
ax.legend_.set_title(title='CDR Type')
Yes, it seems that they do.
Exporting residue list
contact_positions = contacts.value_counts(['cdr_name', 'resi_mhc']) = 'count'
contact_positions = contact_positions.to_frame().reset_index().sort_values('resi_mhc')
contact_positions.to_csv('../data/processed/mhc_contacts.csv', index=False)